“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Brother and his Girlfriend: An Outside Look

Before i begin I should start with saying that writing about my brother and his girlfriend is more dangerous than writing about my mother and my father. My parents, no matter how much my father works with computers and fixing them, the chances of them finding what I wrote about them is so much less of chance than my brother and his girlfriend. But, to be honest, I could care less. The fact is I writing about my brother and his girlfriend because I just had an amazingly fun night with them. It was nothing out of the ordinary. We watch a movie, and then made cookies. However within the time that the movie was done and cookies were being made, three pillow fights were started. Malcolm more’s song, “and we dance” was played along with Jessie’s girl multiple times. I don’t know how to explain what happened without simply doing a narrative, but I really feel like that wouldn’t explain it either. It wasn’t so much of what we were doing. (pillow fights are no stranger in our house.) But it was the way that they looked at each other. They way that we played and messed around it felt like family. Not like my family and his girlfriend. Maybe I’m saying too much. Too much, too fast? Hell I don’t even now how long they’ve been dating, but it’s under a year. I’m not doing a very good job of explaining what I witnessed tonight, am I? Lets see if I can explain it better…
At once point near the end of the third pillow fight, and right near the end of “and we danced” (about the fourth time it was played) we smelled the cookies. And I’m not talking about the warm good smell that cookies make that melt your hearts and soul. No. I’m talking about the horrible, these cookies are almost on fire, they are burnt so bad, smell. The smell that literally just makes your soul die because it was the last of our cookie batter. But it was at that moment that we dropped our pillows, and she (my brother girlfriend) ran to the kitchen. My brother for his part started to laugh. Then I followed. My mother was in the shower, (they would have never been burnt if she was out… nor would we have been playing Malcolm more if she was in the room). With my brother and I laughing, she looked at the cookies, and then at my brother. It was then I saw it in her eyes. My brother must have too because he took off running from the kitchen, he literally jumped over the couch (anther thing that would have never happened if my mother was in eye sight). Then out of nowhere the spatula flew from the kitchen and hit my brother. After the impact he turned and started running to her and they started play fighting. It was about that time that I decided to sit down and write about them. Because it was that look that she gave him, and the one he gave back right before he took off running. That look that so clearly said, this is your fault. You killed the cookies. You did it. I’m mad at you. But yet at the same time, no, I’m not mad, I’m completely happy. I’m having fun. And I love you.
It was that look that made me want to write this, because I can’t explain what was in it. But I know I want some one to look at me like that.
As a side note, as we are now, (mother back in from the shower) watching the show whip-out, they are (or were, because she is now not by him, in a attempt to make him say sorry) talking quietly. They are looking into each their eyes, and are so absorbed with their conversation; they don’t even see me watching them. At first I thought they were talking about something serious. They had to be, why else would they be so absorbed into the conversation. But now; listening I could only hear bits, but my brother finally looked up at me and asked, “meg, are Ewoks, the same thing as little critters, and can be compared to sock monkeys?”  The obvious answer is no.  For those of you that don’t know, (cant believe I’m explaining this) Ewoks are the little bears that kick ass in Stare Wars.  But back to my story; the answer is no; never. What are you thinking? You’re mental.  But I paused; because now I knew they were not talking about anything important. They were looking at each other like that because it didn’t mater what the topic was, they were just having a conversation together, and that was enough. In the few nano seconds of my pause I could see that she wanted me to side with her, and my brother wanted to side with him. I should have sided with her, made some sort of bond that left my brother out because that would just be funny, but no, I couldn’t. Ewoks are nothing like sock monkeys, and are not little critters. Those little bears kick ass, hence not critters. Regardless, I earned a laugh from brother and glare from his girlfriend. Then my brother made this night so much better and turned to her and said: “not only are you wrong about the Ewoks, but you burned the cookies too; what are we suppose to do with you.” There was nothing mean about this comment, and she knows this. But after that she stalked across the room and it sitting opposite of him. They are still playing this game, every once in while glaring at each other. It has become a battle of who can last longer. I would normally say my brother will win, but with this girlfriend, I just don’t know. But I am glad that I can be a witness. Like I said, maybe I’m saying too much too fast. But I like her. And I already consider her my family. Enough said.

Ps. While editing this, she gave in and went back to the couch.